Friday, December 12, 2008


I just finished e-learning Uni of Teeside UK class before the farewell,the tutor gave us quiz to know our personal she asked us to draw hamster on a piece of u knoe hamster?tikus belanda. :)so here are my personality...

1) if u drew the hamster on top of the page- means ur positive person
2) if it is on left side of paper-means u believe in tradition eg: u remember friends' bday date & friendly
3) if ur hamster facing to the front page -means ur direct person,enjoy challenging people n u have no difficulties in discussion matter...
4) if u put details about ur hamster- means cautious and analytical
5) if the hamster has less than 4 legs - ur going to period of major of change
6) size- the bigger the better( means ur a good listener)
7) length of tail -show quality of life..

so guys start drawing ur hamster so that i can interpret it...heheh caught ya!


Nalajas said...

kak anaaa

kalau aku, aku akan lukis hamster tu center of a piece of paper, besar2 and with fine details. and lepas tu kaki mesti ada 4 and tail ikut size badan. hah, cepat interpret!!!

ana said...

center = realistic person
size = the bigger the better = very good listener!
fine details = kategori few details so ur emotional!
length of tail = very good quality of life