Thursday, February 9, 2012

2nd Child

for this time pregnancy i dun feel so other words i feel simply pretty plain simple feeling which i dun share my feelings that much compared the previous fact i told only my few closest the way im scared being pregnant the second child even though that is my wish before i reach 30 yrs old..the main reason im scared is i dun know whether it is a taboo,syndrome,or maybe its just people psychology,or maybe it's a myth or maybe its a FACT of having 2nd child..i found this research n in fact based on real people they are quite the same as the research..

Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist who lived around the same time as Sigmund Freud, was one of the first theorists to suggest that birth order may influence personality. He suggested that birth order leaves a life-long impression on one’s style of life, the way s/he deals with friendship, love, and work. Other things that influence a person are parental attitude, illnesses, disabilities, gender, and the social, economic and religious situation of the family. Other things that should be considered along with birth order are the spacing of years between the siblings, the total number of children, and the parent’s situation over time. The influence of birth order on the development of personality has long been a controversial issue in psychology. Some are in strong agreement that birth order does affect personality, and others disagree completely.
Now, some parents may argue that the second child is not treated any differently than the first child was. But let’s be honest. After you’ve seen your first child take a first step, say a first word, and do all of those other firsts, it’s a little less remarkable to see it in your other children. Whether or not you want to admit it, the middle or second child will always be competing for the lime light with the oldest and youngest children. This is one of the main causes of middle or second child syndrome.
Second or middle children usually bemoan their fate as being ignored by everyone in the family. They may grow resentful or all the attention given to the oldest and youngest of the family. Second born children will often try to be the exact opposite in personality, interests, etc. from the first born child. S/he will often do almost anything for parental attention, even if that means being naughty. Parents tend to be much easier and less demanding on the second and third children. Middle or second children have to compete to be heard or noticed, and therefore crave the spotlight in other ways. They may be the loud, boisterous child in school. They may be the center of all their friends’ events.

The middle or second born child often have a feeling of not belonging to the group. Being in the middle can make the second child feel insecure. They may lack the drive and motivation that is so prevalent in the first born. The second child may instead look to the first born for direction. This may also make the second born feel out of place because they aren’t over achievers. Instead, the middle child usually just goes with the flow.
Second born children are often loners. They may have trouble latching on to a person in a relationship. They may also have trouble making decisions in school and in a career. Second or middle borns are usually artistic and creative, but don’t work well under pressure. They have a history of starting projects and never finishing them. When choosing a career, most middle or second children would be best suited for something where they could freely express themselves, have flexible hours and frequently changing projects. 

in other article:

Anak kedua dikatakan lebih degil, keras kepala dan tidak mendengar kata. semua dia ajer yg betul..dlm ramai2 adik beradik dia aje yg xnak dgr ckp .. kemahuan dia kuat.. kalau buat sesuatu sungguh2… kalau tak nak tu, tak nak lah jawabnya, boleh dipujuk tapi selalunya tak berapa jalan..


memang anak no 2 ni dia tak pujuk makwe / pakwe dia..


  kalau bercinta, sangat setia…sanggup berkorban …


Apa yg dikatakan semua dipegang kalau hitam2 hitamlah kalau putih …. putihlah ….degil tak boleh toleransi


No 2 ni juga nampak ajer keras…tp hati dia lembut juga….SATU lagi peel dia…dia tak boleh ditegur….kalau kita tegur dia mesti tarik muka


very independent..mmg kalau terlebih indepent pun payah…..Tp mudah bergaul..campak lah kat manapun sekejap dah dapat kawan..very take care of her brother and all stuff belonging family.( sebab terlalu ambil berat pun menyampah semua adik2 kena control kena report kat diorang ) ..


anak no 2 ni juga dia payah nk terima arahan…dia lebih suka buat hal sendiri pendek kata..tak boleh kerja ngan org

PEMAAF & caring

tak dinafikan no 2 ni pun pemaaf & caring…TAPI awas jgn bg diorg marah….kalau  marah faham susah nak maafkan


Nak ajer up to date…semua nak kemas....

to be honest most of them above is true coz i,me n myself is the second child in the family :(


syahidah said...

Whats with the :( face! Rezeki Allah, kak Ana, InsyaAllah :) Congratulations!

ana said...

thanks syidah :)

Emy said...

ada yg setuju! sbb anak no 2 sy mmg sesuka hati dia jek, lg satu anak no 2 ku itew suka belasah kakak dia.. cian kakak..