Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Do i know u??

so far in facebook account, lots of unknown people add me to their friends list..the point is sometimes i hardly know u..or hardly remember u..or do we play together during childhood? or during school years? or mase tgh tunggu bas? oh tidak! seriuosly i won't simply add freinds that i really can't recall our relationship...or am i just too famous? heheheh sometimes sister's friends, sister's sister's friends..aunty's friends..friend of friend..adoi sorryla yerkk..one more thing if your profile pics is the picture of your daughter or son..kalau check profil tengok tulis female n tahun lahir..pulak tu picture ada satu jek iaitu profil picture anak kamu, nama pulak bukan nama sebenar.what da heck? u think i know u?? adoiyayy mcm mana nak accept kalau mcm tu? tambahan pula mutual freinds kamu semua my ex school mates..maksudnya aku mesti kenal ko punye..tapi disebabkan letak muka anak sajo..susah sketla nak accept yop! ade pulak tu nick name x boleh blah punye..example :Scha al-yayang .ape ko ingat ko scha alyahya ke? bengong!

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