So what's so cool being a doctor as profession?people say being a DR is like 'you are god-knows-everything' n engineer knows nuthing?boleh gitu?well i raised in family doctor.-both parents have their own clinic + my eldest sister is a DR.During primary school sisters n i were like sooo fames coz we r daughter of doctors!-n ini merimaskan aku coz i'm low profile person.they tend to pay more attention for u...when moved to high school,sama gak especially cikgu-cikgi yg kipochi always compare me with my other sisters n basically diaorg ingat kite bcoz of anak DR!bosannnnya...
During university years,i taught its safe for me coz nobody knows bout dis-as i have this bad thinking n experience towards other people if they know pasal anak DR ni...sort of phobia..hehehhe BUT 1st day of class,we were asked to introduce ourself so mestila ada mention parents job n i mention doctors!*sigh* expected...'ana kayala ko' or 'ana ko mesti pandai'...aku pk2 blk yg kaya parents aku & yg pandai diaorg!not me!arghhhh....
1 day of clinical training,ada tutor asked me question which i didn't know the answer n he said 'macamana u tak tau?u kan anak DR?!' i WAS LIKE WAT THE +*%##!!!^ so typical malaysian! kalau dah tak tau tu,x kirela anak DR ke anak lawyer ke..mmg xtau that means search for books!adoiyay...
Then i remembered one day i was late foe final presentation exam,the tutor mad at me he said ' awak ingat ni klinik bapak awak ker?!' sedey gile aku...nape nak libatkan bapak aku plak?aku rase dia budget aku anak DR so boleh dtg lambat but that day was accidentally late!celaka!!! from that day,i was so hurt+kecik ati with that tutor coz he used to be my 1 of favourite could he say that?*sob2*
After i got first job in damansara specialist hospt,mcm biasala kene isi resume form n isi personal ada column pekerjaan ibubapa ..n i wrote doctors!so when i started working,everybody expects me to know everything from anatomy to effective Rxs!siot betul dah la tu my 1st time experience keje..ntah ape2...
anyway..when I moved to work in my current workplace,nobody knows who i am coz bile isi form,i state parents job as self employed...coz i dah phobia with these crazyy nonsense shitss... so now Im n sound..
entry ni x ada kene mengena dgn medical student/DRs/Surgeons...oh talking bout surgeon,i wonder y orthopaedic surgeons soooo gatal n flirty?tell me y! i have seen a lot in various hospt.kene buat research ni! :)