Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ridzuan part II

i wonder who is this Ridzuan?is he still alive?n how the apartment named after him?hmmm....btw i have been very bz lately painting the house...

red colour for the living room

mocca colour for visitor room sisters n i had pleasure dinner at the apartment klcc..

dreamland prawns with steam rice-my order

lemon fish with mashed potato-kak ain's order

ice chocolate blended n ice mocca latte

chicken grilled wrap- sabrina n hubby's order

pemanis air gula

suggestion form

* oh btw...i baught LCD TV 32" LG Scarlet :)))

Friday, January 30, 2009

Ridzuan Pangsapuri

WOW! at last my hubby n I moved to new house (opposite Sunway Pyramid) but the address is Subang.OK here I am Subang! *sigh* Well,i stay at 10th floor of these 3 blocks of condominium..(by the way is pangsapuri means kondo?) well...i'd rather not call it as condo coz it does not look like one! *sigh* Obviously,there are lotss of people-all folks of life from negro,Indon,Indian,Japanese,Korean n not forgotten people with disability!most of them are students nearby (Sunway college,taylors college n blah blah college!) The building is soooo dirty n not properly maintained! I can say that I was 'culture shock' n wonder how these residents can survive staying here...n i dun even know these buildings exist before!Some more all residents faces kat sini mcm samseng2 n kind of weird looking..compared to previous apartment sume muke professionals even the negro!hehhehe But i should be thankful coz i have my own masterbedroom which is quite big...But living here i tell u mmg menguji kesabaran n ketabahan aku!The worst part is I have to go up n downstairs (4 flight of staircase+52 steps = penat nak mamposs!) to reach the car park!my carpark is on the 4th floor n the 5th floor is the rooftop for visitor parking!uwaaaaaa :( So every morning i have to climb up the staircase n akan rase menyesal gile if i left sumthing behind!the lift so damn scary with cracking sound mcm nak roboh + no brand + mcm x percaya jek with the emergency bell functions if the lift suddenly stop or broken..huh mmg tertekan!
One more thing..I have to bring down the garbage bags to be dumped at grond floor.Can u imagine pagi2 pergi kerja wangi2 kene bawak plastik sampah + bau yg busuk all the way down in the lift...hohoho nasibla korang yg lain...hehehhe
Oh not forgotten the guards-mostly indon n bangla yg terlebih ramah la plak + bz body!adoiyai..I hate this kind of stuffs lebih2 lagi i think aku jek yg malay duduk apartment tu..+ leh caya ke guard indon jaga uma?
so..i still need time n space to suit myself to the surroundings...susahhh ooo after been living in previous well-mannered apartment past 8 years!--so kene take time another 8 years la pulak nak sesuaikan diri...:)

view of sunway pyramid from the house

*anyway thanks to nabila for courtesy kasi pinjam broadband!-which is u put it in wrong post box!grrrrr

Monday, January 12, 2009

spending my sunday

Moods: missing my hubby so much...

Not much to tell u guys...just miss my hubby so much coz now lately balik kerja asing2 dah tak satu i realized spent time of the journey back n forth to office can strengthen n nurture the love of our relationship..but not for now anymore..i think so la..anyway, pitty him coz he sprained his ankle after played futsal match with ampang team which basically his team won!hurrah for you! well i just spent my sunday with cooking nasi lemak with my younger sister,nabila (i just fried the chicken only!) hehhe n the rest she cook.

nasi ada santan yg berketul2 sket.hehehhe

the sambal udang really taste superb! to u!

the fried chicken + salads n cucumber as decoration

n last but not least i bought couple pendant for $55 only.m loving it!


Friday, January 9, 2009


menarilah dan terus tertawa...walau dunia tak seindah surga,bersyukurlah pada yang kuasa,cinta kita di dunia...selamanya...-nidji

Frankly speaking i haven't go for holidays in other state,i mean looong holidays with staying in spacious hotel..the last time was our honeymoon in langkawi!that was 4 yrs ago!duh! now really insist n looking forward to plan holiday during this coming chinese new year..coz i really envy with my sisters who went to London for vacation+joli sakan spending the $$$ n my youngest sister followed her bf's family to langkawi!wtf?dammmnnn jelous!so here are my ideas for the holidays destination+ the budgets!*waaa nk g singapore pun tak lepas coz pasport x buat2 lagi!*

1) Sabah/sarawak
2) langkawi
3) Bandung,Indon
4) JB
5) worst come to worst balik kampung BP!

I want to rest my mind ...n i think this is the only opportunity that i had coz through out this whole year I don't have free time to spend like this coz full with tesis projects+ hubby classes n examss.. *peh...siap dah tau jadual utk satu tahun ni!* finger cross!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kerja kerja kerja

Lalalala hari2 kerja..kerja2 kerja tapi tak juga kaayaa..-meet uncle hussein song

Since my life devoted to tonsss of let me story mory dgn u all my working life in PRIVATE hospital..whereby its big deal different from GOVERNMENT hospital.
I start my daily routine from 830 am n straight non stop till 1 pm..kalau kerajaan leh kuar2 minum but kalau private jgn harapla!nak marayap sat pun x leh!itupun my Boss always emphasize us to increase our revenue of patients,to attract more patients to come.!shit..oh speaking bout my boss *sorry la boss if ur reading this,but hopefully x la kan*hehhehe so damn risky!since he is the head of department (HOD) of course-la always sit in his room facing the computer konon2nya mcm byk sgtla keje dia hehhe..yg peliknya he won't lend his hand to help us when we need his help!mcm tak cukup staff selamba jek sitting around in his room,roaming the net n etc etc..*sigh!* the best part is he's keep complaining revenue patient tak increase,income tak byk la..padahal we all kerja nak mamposss dah ni..

then my job takda break or rest in between,dari pagi sampai 1 pm.then 2 till 5 straight non stop.boleh gilela..moreover our General Manager expectations from us sooo high!so my job not involve in any out stations except go for courses *itupun only twice per year* so damn lokek coz nak jimat budget la konon!huh!

i don't have my own table mcm org kerja ofis2 tu..i only have my locker!this i where i can spend my little private time here with my stuffs *poor me..i only have this...* n of course the uniform!tak bleh pakai baju kaler2 * so :( *

Friday, January 2, 2009

lotsss of numbersss

Today my company owned by KPJ healthcare bhd started new sytem which been standardized with the rest company in other states.All the charges of treatments n the equipment that been sold must key in with code numbers .damn pening kepala coz everytime u have to look up n search the code numbers to key in.boleh jadi gila mcm ni..somemore today the clerk on leave!so i became the clerk.ceh.n today my new year started with all kinds of pelik2 cases..growwwlll...ggrrrrr

Thursday, January 1, 2009

January 2009..It begins with One.

One person,making the choice to get involved.
One store,pitching to help the neighborhood
One company,staying true to it's values.
e world that gets a little better for everyone.

My hubby,bro in-law in I celebrated our New Year Eve in uptown first we planned to go to the curve..but we arrived at 11pm!damn late the carsss parked untill by the roadside of managed to look small percikans bunga api in uptown..hehheeh i tell u bunga api dia mcm kt kenduri kawen..(at least we had one compared to my mother in-law who celebrated in putrajaya-x ada bunga api langsung!)*kedekut putrajaya*

1st time in history of my new year celebration,we were asked to stand up n sing the national anthem,besides the doa bagoosss this emcee..ceh

then,we went to join nahiz n the gang in hartamas before heading to karoake ibox in cheras

he is the man of the night