Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Labour pain

Lately my sleep disturbs by bad dreams about pain during labour.. i wonder how many women out there able to cope the greatest pain in their life? in fact research done showed that females able to tolerate more pain than men! its proven with my male patients..sket2 nak nangis bile kene kepak tangan or kaki..hehehh but i better pull my words! coz i think labour pain is more than what i think n feel when other people told me..org yg dh melaluinya pun dunno how to express with the words hmmm...i think its like trying pulling your tounge n touch your nose! cubela buat kalau dapat sampai!hahah aku rase Gene Simmons from the KISS jek yg dapat buat!hmmm...dlm Quran pun ade ckp ade dua jenis yg paling sakit di dunia
1) sakit ketika melahirkan anak
2) sakit ketika nak mati..
wah..it seems like at the end of the day im the one who have to push out the baby even already comfort by hubby..hmm... n i wonder mcmana anak luar nikah yg beranak tanpa gi hospital..n infact they can deliver healthy baby with 3kgs..are they psychologically strong which they really force themselves to push the baby or otherwise kantoi with other people? or are they just lucky?hmm..frankly speaking we dunno our fate yet..n now i already traumatized with the deliver process! belum lagi beranak dah takot!uwaaaaaaaa pray the best for me :) no wonder...our mother is so strong to face the life if they have pain or grief..coz they had experienced the worst pain in their life not once..even yg ada 7 kali!hehhe n yet i already experienced unbearable backpain twice!

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